New McConaghy Sailing Yachts

Passionate about designing boats that give their owners a wonderful on water experience.


McConaghy Boats has now been an established business for over 50 years, with the current owners involved for the last 20.

The business' growth has always been internally funded, and the company is proud to have never had any external debt. McConaghy now have facilities in Sydney, Australia and Zhuhai, China, with offices in Hong Kong and Macau. Partners represent Mcconaghy Boats on sales from offices around all parts of the world.

The companies are Australian/Canadian owned and operated by Mark Evans and co-owner Tiger Group HK. McConaghy Boats China is a Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE) whose holding company is located in Hong Kong.

Over the last 10 years the company has built over 900 boats with a total value in excess of $120 million.

Currently McConaghy Boats employs 250 staff worldwide and remains the world leader in Race Boat composite manufacture.



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